Face & Skin Care Services, Provided by Gateway ENT in St. Louis, MO
Face & Skin Care Center
Put The Best FACE On
You may not often think about your Ear, Nose, and Throat physician and the treatment of skin cancer. Our doctors have considerable experience with removing benign and cancerous lesions anywhere on the face, neck and scalp regions. Treatment to these more noticeable areas are best done by a skilled surgeon to produce the most appealing results. Additionally, as we are in private practice, we can coordinate any skin treatment with any Dermatologist, Oncologist, Radiologist, or other Specialist in the St. Louis area. We are not beholden to any hospital system. So whether you come to see us first or you are referred to us by your doctor, we not only remove lesions but help with cosmetic repairs after a procedure elsewhere, you can rest assured you are in good hands.
In addition to helping with the removal and repair of skin lesions, we offer our expertise to repair certain congenital conditions and repairs of cosmetic issues pertaining to the ears, face and neck.

Conditions We Treat
Face & Skin - Frequently Asked Questions
For any suspicious lesions or moles it is important to see your primary care provider, ENT, or Dermatologist right away.
If you have a spot or lump on your skin, your ENT specialist may remove the growth and examine the tissue under the microscope. This is called a biopsy. A biopsy can usually be done in our office, and usually involves numbing the skin with a local anesthetic. Examination of the biopsy under the microscope will tell the doctor if the skin lesion is a cancer.
Depending on the results, you may need further surgery to remove the entire lesion and repair the wound.
Mohs surgery is sometimes performed to remove skin cancer. It is performed by Surgical Dermatologists. We work with experienced-Mohs surgeons throughout the St. Louis area. If you need Mohs Surgery, we will help coordinate that care. We often work with Dermatologists following Mohs Surgery to repair any resulting cosmetic defect.
We see patients who have tears in the ear lobe either from long-time earring use or because a child has pulled on the earring. We generally can help repair the tear in the office.
I’ve spent a great deal of time building relationships with some of the best Dermatologic Surgeons in St. Louis who are experts in removing skin cancers. I often work with them after the initial surgery to cosmetically repair any defect caused from the removal. It is gratifying to give patients the peace of mind of achieving a cosmetically good result after surgery.”